
How do you know if you have the best person for the job?

Our specialty is complete audio visual installation for Corporate, Government and Education customers.

The process we go through as part of a site audit typically follows along these lines;

  • Assess the size of the room and its proposed function
  • Thorough discussion with you regarding what you would like to use in the room and how you see it working
  • What else… what other things are you thinking about in the future or how is your organisation changing in the near future
  • The planned placement of your equipment

Once you start get a picture of what you would like to happen for your room we can then provide comprehensive integration of hardware, software and services to deliver the best solution

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On top of this our install team are;NSW Contract 278_logo

  • Over 20 years experience in the Audio Visual Industry
  • Covered by $20 million public liability insurance
  • Fully Licensed Electrical trades person
  • Construction White Card Certification

In addition to all of the above VISIONEXT offers all our customer at no extra charge a 5 year installation warranty

What this means is that we stand by our workmanship for up to 5 years.


This is by far the best in the industry


Call now for free advice 1300-139292

or fill out the contact form here [popuppress id=”1632″]


“Yes, everyone was happy. (visioNext) does a good job and he’s very professional – Thanks again”
 ….Arnoldlane Design

”Yes, we are very happy”… with the service provided by Visionext and “there is no room for improvement!” ….Ferrero Australia Pty Ltd

visioNext is able to provide professional audio visual installations on a range of equipment.

projector installationprojector screenprojector installation

In this way our customers maximise the effectiveness of their equipment as well as have the projector screen installation guaranteed.

From simple whiteboards to complex boardroom fitouts including mulitmedia systems, video conferencing, and automated control systems.
Our installation team has vast experience in many areas and not limited to:

  • Audio systems
  • PA systems
  • Motorised projector lifts
  • Motorised projection screens
  • Room control systems
  • iR to RS-232 control systems
  • Large room audio installations
  • interactive whiteboards