Exciting news for educators who love ClassVR

Visionext is very excited to announce a new partnership between ClassVR and ThingLink which allows ClassVR users to be able to create interactive images with labels, hotspots, tours and much more.

What is ThingLink?

The ThingLink app is a free and user -friendly digital tool that provides users the ability to turn any image into an interactive graphic.

The web tool and the app allow for teachers and students to provide information in a visual format.  You can upload images from your hard drive, import from flicker or the web when using the website. In the app, you can import images from your camera roll or take a photo. Then simply add tags to the images. The tags could be audio, website, or video. Choose the icon you want to associate with the tag and add a short description. You can create these multiple “hot spots” on specific parts of the image. You can easily embed an interactive ThingLink graphic into any blog or website. This tool allows users to pack a lot of content into a small space.

When you create a free account, this tool allows you to view a gallery of ThingLinks other users have created. You have the option to bookmark the galleries you’ve viewed. The tools also pulls up related ThingLinks IT you might be interested in and lastly, you can also search for already created ThingLinks by topic. The Stream feature also allows you to follow a particular topic such as education.

How to use ThingLink with ClassVR?
  1. Download the ThingLink App
  2. View this short video tutorial to help you get started with using Thinglink media on ClassVR headsets

Further Resources

The following link is a great instructional Thinglink video by Susan Oxnevadon on How to use Thinglink for teaching & learning 


For ideas on ways to use ThingLink, you can also view Donna Baumbach’s collaborative Google Presentation, Ways to Use ThingLink in the Classroom.

For more information on how ClassVR or other technologies can empower learning please contact us on 1300 139 292

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